The Interlude: An Encounter with Siena

Dear Encounters Community,

It has been a while since my last post but I am happy to announce that Encounters (Season 2) will be returning this September so please stay tuned!  It has been quite a busy year in my engineering life (with travel and textbook writing) but I have been working on this project throughout.  With that said, I am very excited to soon share with you the 9 to 5'er artists whom I'll be featuring, as well as some of my own artistic compositions that I have been working on.  

As we await the official return this Fall, I would like to share with you a mini Encounter of mine with the beautiful city of Siena.  I am currently on assignment in Italy for my engineering job and as a result, I have had the wonderful opportunity to visit a few cities thus far in this beautiful country, one of which was Siena.  

This was never intended to be an Encounter.  Siena was a trip with my mother to visit the past (my mother studied there as an art student many years ago).  As we walked around this quiet, dusty, red clay city, abandoned by its residents during the day to escape the ruthless heat of the sun, I began to see our journey into the past captured in the cityscape.  An old stairway, the Siena Duomo framed between two bushes like an old photograph, a hiding spot amongst the trees peering back at the city.  Therefore, I decided to capture the story of Time that Siena laid out for me so beautifully and I decided to do it through dance.  

My story of my Encounters with dance are for another day but, in summary, I am not a trained dancer and decided to take it up only recently as an adult.  With that said, I am tremendously obsessed with this art form.  Through dance, you can see music and I hope that, one day, I can capture that beauty.  So, there I was in Siena, dancing to no music with no music in mind, in public, and, in the case of the arched stairway, accidentally danced in what turned out to be someone's private entryway to their home (oops!).  A few weeks later, I was looking at my footage and heard this beautiful Halsey song and from there it all came together to make this little Encounter Interlude.  

I hope you all enjoy and please stay tuned this September when Encounters officially returns!  I hope you all have a great summer - one filled with art, inspiration, and Encounters 🙂

                                                           Please subscribe to the Encounters YouTube channel!